
Accidents happen. The only thing that could be worse than sustaining injuries is to feel vulnerable and helpless lacking compensation for the injuries sustained. Whether you are the victim of a car crash or any injury at work, you have the right to be compensated and protect yourself from medical bills that quickly pile up, and the loss of income that typically follows a period of inactivity while you recover. At LUNALAW, pllc. YOU DO NOT PAY any lawyer fees!!!! We will fight for the maximum amount possible to place you in the best condition after such an unfortunate event. In addition, we will help you navigate the often complex waters of finding physical therapy, all the legally required evidence, and any information that you need in order to facilitate the process.  From explaining every decision to maintaining a constant channel of communication, at LUNALAW, pllc. We understand that your concerns do not need to be limited to 9:00am to 5:00pm. We will provide a unique 24/7 experience, answering questions you may have, which will be promptly answered to keep you at ease through these difficult times.

Don’t let an accident control your life any longer. Trust LunaLaw to provide the dedicated representation you need to get back on your feet. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and see how we can help you with your personal injury case.”

Personal injury law is the legal remedies and defenses available in civil lawsuits arising from wrongful conduct. The Latin term tort means “tort”, which can be translated as twist, wrong, harm. Contrary to criminal law, a tort case does not involve the government prosecuting wrongdoers. These cases are primarily about a private plaintiff seeking to be compensated (usually in the form of money) for the damage caused by the defendant’s acts.
The doctrine of negligence is the basis for most personal injury cases. Neglect requires that everyone in society act responsibly and not put others at risk. However, negligence can result in injury at any time. This doctrine recognizes that accidents can sometimes be unavoidable. The plaintiff must prove that the defendant would have behaved differently if he were in a reasonable prudent position to establish liability.

Negligence can be characterized as car accidents caused in part by drunk drivers, medical complications that result from a doctor’s negligence, and dog bites that happen when vicious animals are allowed to roam free. Each time, the responsible party failed to recognize the dangers to others and the plaintiff suffered injuries.

After negligence is proven in a personal injury case the defendant must compensate the plaintiff for any injuries that were caused by his actions. Some types of damages, like property damage or medical bills, are simple to calculate. Expert testimony may be needed for other types of damages, such as loss of earning capacity and emotional distress. You may also be eligible for punitive damages to deter or punish particularly egregious behavior.

It can be difficult to identify the correct defendants when you start a tort action. It is difficult to identify the right defendants in a tort action. This is because the “tortfeasor”, whether a driver, nurse, or clerk at a grocery store, may not be able to pay a substantial judgment. An injury lawyer can help you identify other parties that are responsible based on the relationship they have with the tortfeasor.

Common Torts and Defenses

There are many causes of action in personal injury law, other than negligence. Many of these are considered intentional torts. These cases are where the defendant intentionally harms the plaintiff, as the name implies. These include battery, assault, false imprisonment and trespass.
There are also situations where defendants can be held liable even if they tried their best to prevent the harm. This is called strict liability. A defendant can be held strictly responsible if someone is injured while they are engaging in highly dangerous activities, even though the activity is legal. This category includes building demolition and hazardous material transport.

Defective products can also be a common tort. These cases may be brought to court if the manufacturer is found to have negligently designed and sold an unsafe product. If certain elements are met plaintiffs who were injured by defective products may be able sue under strict liability. Product liability cases can lead to large-scale class actions with many plaintiffs and huge money judgments.

A few common defense theories are used by defendants to defend against personal injury liability. The defendant might argue that the plaintiff didn’t exercise due care and is partly or entirely responsible for the injury. In negligence cases, the defendant might also argue that the plaintiff “assumed risk” by participating in dangerous activities or sports, or that the plaintiff implicitly allowed the defendant to take action that ultimately ended up hurting the plaintiff.

If a plaintiff is unable to win a case for tort based on these arguments, they should seek legal counsel. An attorney can help you avoid the unfortunate situation of violating the statute of limitations, which is missing the deadline to file the lawsuit. This is always a problem in personal injury cases.

At LunaLaw, we understand that being injured in an accident can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience. That’s why we take a compassionate and personalized approach to each of our clients, ensuring that their specific needs and concerns are addressed throughout the legal process.