
How to Avoid a DUI Conviction?

Learn about the difference and how a lawyer can help.

Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious offense in Florida that carries severe consequences, even for first-time offenders. A DUI conviction can result in hefty fines of up to $1,200, a six-month jail sentence, and a 12-month license suspension. To avoid these harsh penalties, it’s important to act tactfully when stopped by police.

One way to minimize the risk of getting pulled over is to keep your vehicle in the best possible condition. Regular maintenance and repairs can prevent equipment failures or other issues that may draw the attention of law enforcement.

Another important tip is to never try to evade police checkpoints. Swerving or making a U-turn to avoid a checkpoint can raise suspicion and make you more likely to be singled out for further investigation.

It’s also essential to remember that breath mints, gum, or mouthwash won’t mask the smell of alcohol on your breath. If you’ve been drinking, it’s best to wait it out and sober up before driving. You can do this by sleeping in the backseat of your car for a few hours, with the keys removed from the ignition to show that you have no intention of driving.

Being respectful to police officers is another key factor in avoiding a DUI conviction. Officers are more likely to be lenient towards compliant and polite drivers, so it’s important to remain calm and cooperative at all times. If you are arrested, it’s best not to resist or fight and to demand the right to speak to an attorney.

If you decide to decline sobriety testing, it’s important to do so in a respectful manner to avoid further complications. However, it’s worth noting that refusing to take a breath test after a first-time DUI offense is a crime and can lead to a one-year license suspension.

Finally, hiring a DUI attorney can be beneficial in navigating the legal system and minimizing the consequences of a DUI charge. An experienced attorney can help defend your rights and work towards a favorable outcome in your case.

Don’t Face the Fight Alone for DUI or DWI Charges

Whether you’re facing a first offense, third offense, or any type of DUI and DWI charges, it’s a good idea to get a lawyer. Don’t let a DUI or DWI ruin your life. Trust the experience and expertise of LunaLaw PLLC to fight for your rights and defend your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a positive outcome.