
Judges decide parental responsibility and time-sharing cases based on parents’ ability to care for the child. Judges also consider other factors, such as which parent can provide the child with a more stable home. Florida courts will never consider gender as one of the factors when making parental responsibility and time-sharing decisions.

An Unmarried Father Can ABSOLUTELY Get Rights and Responsibilities if His Name EVEN IF his name Is Not on the Child’s Birth Certificate An unmarried father can get rights and responsibilities even if his name is not on their child’s birth certificate. If an unmarried father establishes paternity, he can get parenting rights and responsibilities. In Florida, there are different ways of establishing paternity. For instance, paternity can be established by acknowledgement or with a legal order. Children Cannot Choose Which Parent They Want To Live With A Florida court can consider a child’s preference when making parental responsibility and time-sharing decisions. In deciding whether to consider a child’s preference, the court will generally look at whether the child is intelligent enough to make an informed choice. However, a child’s preference cannot be the deciding factor. A child can’t choose which parent to live with. After a child shares their preference, the court will consider the child’s opinion and many other factors before making the final decision.

Do you have questions about parental time? Reach out! It is important to seek a an Attorney immediately.
Contact Attorney Hernan Luna to schedule a consultation to learn about your legal options. Call LUNALAW, PLLC at (305) 244-7775 today for all of your Miami or Broward legal inquires.