
What to do when arrested for drug possession?

If someone you know has been arrested in Miami-Dade County for drug possession, LunaLaw can help. With experience defending such cases and advocating for drug reform in Florida can provide invaluable assistance. Whether it be simple possession or trafficking charges, our firm specializes in helping guide clients through all of their complexities of a drug case.

Step one in any drug possession case should be to plead not guilty and obtain all evidence from the prosecutor. Once received, your attorney will review it together and formulate an effective defense strategy – perhaps considering constructive possession or unlawful search and seizure as potential defense strategies. It’s wiser to consult a lawyer when making these important decisions than searching the internet on your own.

When out on bail for your drug case, it is vitally important that any contact with law enforcement be avoided at all costs. While most drug cases qualify for bail bonds, if arrested while out on bond your bond could be voided and it could become necessary to remain in custody until its resolution.

Drug possession cases can be complex affairs involving various issues such as confidential informants, electronic monitoring devices and police corruption. If any of these are relevant to you in your meeting with our drug defense attorney – they have handled hundreds of drug cases during his career!

An arrest for drug possession can have long-term repercussions, so if you need any guidance with how to handle your arrest or suspect that drug abuse contributed to it, give our office a call for a free consultation and assessment. We also have connections with local drug court programs which may provide resources needed for rehabilitation and can assist with providing resources needed to get life back on track.

Don’t Face the Fight Alone for DUI or DWI Charges

Whether you’re facing a first offense, third offense, or any type of DUI and DWI charges, it’s a good idea to get a lawyer. Don’t let a DUI or DWI ruin your life. Trust the experience and expertise of LunaLaw PLLC to fight for your rights and defend your case. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a positive outcome.